Why the Wimpy Guy is a Frequent Cause for Divorce.
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Why the Wimpy Guy is a Frequent Cause for Divorce.

If a wife has to be dominant in the relationship with a man, there will be sexual chemistry issues. If a passive man hands the family football over to her, she must use masculine energy to take charge, decide and plan things, and push for responsibility or fun. Staying in our masculine energy too much is draining to a woman. Our natural setpoint is feminine energy. She may like him and enjoy his company. Still, she has no desire to bang his bangles because she is forced to be in her male energy to get life done, and since her husband is a male, and there are n

People Will Self-Sabotage Despite Knowing They Shouldn’t.
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People Will Self-Sabotage Despite Knowing They Shouldn’t.

Like a moth to a flame, people who pay good money to learn about personal growth and get solid, well-grounded advice about their relationships will often ignore what they’re told and head straight into the fire of self sabotage, come what may. I get to watch this dynamic week and week out as I consult with people whose marriages are either hanging by a thread or in the beginning stages of an amicable divorce, which often will end up not being amicable once their parting spouse finds out what they’re up to. This is why it is sometimes painful to be me.